I wanted to express my appreciation to the Academy and thank you for training and investment in my child.
My daughter was a timid, unconfident 11 year old when I took her there for a free session to see if she would like it. Master Deuchars was patient and kind, and she immediately took an interest. Over the coming months, I watched her begin to blossom into a more confident little girl. She took great pride in showing her instructors her grades in school, and was willing to work very hard to train, learn her forms, study for testing and I saw it have an impact on every area of her life. Over the years she became stronger not only physically, but emotionally as well. She learned self discipline that she applied both in and out of school. By the time she graduated Magna Cum Laude this year from South Oldham High School she was not only a 1st degree Black Belt, but also had a 4.25 GPA and has become the healthy, strong, intelligent, confident young woman she is today. She is now a Freshman at University of Louisville, and I don’t have to worry about the choices that she makes living on her own, nor do I have to worry about her safety. She has truly become everything she aspired to be. Words cannot express how proud I am.
I believe that the investment I made in her by sending her to Kentucky Tae Kwon Do, and the investment each of you have made in her, has changed the course of her life. As a single parent, I am eternally grateful for the role you have played in our family. Through this Academy, she has been provided with honorable adult role models and been inspired to believe….to KNOW….that she can do anything she wants with her life.
With tears in my eyes, and a heart full of gratitude….I thank you.
Cara Hill,
Mother of Ms. Falon Hill – 1st Degree Black Belt